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What is Restorative Dentistry?

Over time, daily life can take a toll on your smile. Decay, breakage, disease, and missing teeth can negatively affect your mouth. Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing damage and renewing the integrity of your smile. With today’s advanced technology and high-quality materials, you can enjoy strong, attractive restorations. Don’t put off necessary dental work any longer.

Common restorative procedures include:

Composite fillings
To repair teeth damaged brought on by decay, your dentist will likely choose an all-white filling. Tooth-colored fillings produce solids restorations that blend in with your natural teeth and allow for less removal of healthy tooth structure.

Dental Crowns
When you have a larger area of decay than a regular filling can fix, your dentist may suggest a dental crown. Also called a cap, a dental crown covers the area above the gum line, re-establishing the strength and appearance of the injured tooth. Usually, it takes two visits to receive your custom crown. During the first appointment, your dentist will remove the decay, take impressions for the crown, and fit you with a temporary. You will return for permanent placement a few weeks later.

Dental Implants
If you have lost teeth, your oral health and self-esteem may suffer. Dental implants can replace one or more missing teeth, giving you back a complete smile. Dental implants include a metal post that functions as an artificial tooth root and a prosthetic crown that is cemented on top to complete the restoration.

Porcelain Veneers
Often considered a cosmetic choice, porcelain veneers can also cover chipped or broken teeth. Made from fine dental porcelain, veneers are permanently attached to front teeth, creating a flawless image. Your dentist will select the right veneers to fit your features, personality, and budget.

We treat patients from Ottawa and the surrounding area


300 Slater St. Suite 107
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6A6
Phone: (613) 695-9551


1 Nicholas St, Unit 100
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7
Phone: (613) 241-1131

300 Slater St, Suite 107
Ottawa, ON  K1P 6A6

Phone: (613) 695-9551
Fax: (613) 695-9552


Office Hours Mon: 8-4, Tue: 8-4,  Thur: 8-4
Wed: 11-8,  Fri: 8-1

1 Nicholas St, Unit 100
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

Phone: (613) 241-1131
Fax: (613) 241-6513


Office Hours Mon-Thur:  8-4
Fri: 8-1

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