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Invisalign and Children – A Good Fit?

Invisalign and Children – A Good Fit?

Does your child need braces, but isn’t sure about being a “metal mouth” for two or more years? Did your teen come to you and beg for some other option to traditional braces? Perhaps you’ve heard about Invisalign aligners but are wondering if they’ll work for your child. Invisalign is absolutely appropriate for your teen if all of his or her baby teeth have fallen out and adult teeth have erupted.

Invisalign provides the same results as traditional metal braces, but without the metal brackets. Concerns over eating with braces are removed with the Invisalign trays, as they come out for meals, leaving your teen free to eat any food he or she desires.

Invisalign utilizes clear plastic trays that allow the process of straightening your teen’s teeth to be less obvious and less obtrusive. Beginning with x-rays and molds, your orthodontist will make a series of trays, called aligners. These trays are worn most of the day, taken out only to eat or to be cleaned. The process of straightening happens gradually and comfortably.

It is essential during this time that the trays are worn as recommended by the orthodontist. Wearing them less than the recommended amount of time will result in slower correction, and has the potential to lengthen treatment. Have your teen continue with any established good oral hygiene habits. Brushing and flossing must continue on a regular basis, brushing twice a day at minimum and flossing before bedtime.

Being a teenager is full of difficulties, and it is during this time that teens are at their most self-conscious. Adding metal braces to this transition can make everything worse for your child, leaving him or her self-conscious about eating with friends or smiling, talking or laughing in public. Your teen’s gapped, misaligned or crowded teeth can be improved significantly with Invisalign trays. Talk to your orthodontist today to see how Invisalign can make a difference for your child.

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Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?

Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?

Having a smile that embarrasses you is not a good way to go through life. With so many options available for improving the way your teeth look, there’s no reason to continue trying to hide them. One of the best options available today is Invisalign, or invisible braces. This innovative technology may be able to help you transform your smile without the hassles of traditional orthodontics.

Invisalign consists of a series of clear plastic aligning trays that gently shift your teeth into better positions. Practically invisible when worn, these aligners are removable for eating and cleaning. No dealing with a mouthful of unsightly metal, avoiding restricted foods, or worrying about food becoming stuck in your braces.

What types of problems can Invisalign correct? Some common flaws include gaps between teeth, crowded teeth, overlapping teeth, mild malocclusions, or twisted teeth. Issues like these not only impact the appearance of your smile, but can also cause oral health complications such as difficulty in cleaning or improper wearing on your teeth.

Who should consider Invisalign? Anyone with teeth problems like those above is likely a good candidate, especially those who want to make the best impressions on others in their professional and personal lives. If you want to repair your smile without wearing traditional braces and have the choice of removing your orthodontics for special occasions, then you’ll find Invisalign very appealing. This applies to patients of many ages, from adults in the working world to self-conscious teens. Invisalign is a great solution for those who play sports or play musical instruments that might be hindered by traditional braces.

If you are unhappy with your smile, schedule a consultation with a professional who offers Invisalign as a treatment option. Find out if this treatment can help you, and begin your journey to a brand new beautiful smile.

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Opting for Invisalign

Opting for Invisalign

One of the most recent innovations in modern orthodontics is Invisalign. These unique clear aligners are becoming increasingly popular for improving smiles without the stigma associated with traditional braces. Invisalign aligners straighten teeth by placing gentle pressure on them to move into better positions. This solution offers distinct advantages to some of the other options in orthodontics.

Hidden appearance:
One of the most obvious benefits of Invisalign is that the clear plastic is practically invisible in your mouth. The subtle appearance of the retainers is much less obtrusive than traditional metal braces. For patients who want to diminish the fact that they are undergoing orthodontic treatment, Invisalign in the perfect solution. Personal and professional relationships are not at risk of embarrassment due to being self-conscious about your smile.

Easy removal:
You will remove aligners from your mouth when eating or performing oral hygiene tasks. There are no impacts to your diet during Invisalign treatment, since you take out the aligners anytime you eat. Brushing and flossing are performed normally without having to worry about cleaning food debris out of intrusive wires and brackets. This can have positive impacts on your oral health as well.

Increased comfort:
The lack of metal pieces in the aligners means a more comfortable experience. Traditional braces have a reputation for poking the mouth or breaking. Invisalign offers a clear advantage of being very comfortable when worn.

Boosted confidence:
No matter if you are a teenager or an adult wearing braces, it can be embarrassing to have a mouth full of metal in your smile. The invisible quality of Invisalign eliminates those self-conscious feelings, giving you the confidence to smile, laugh and eat as usual even while undergoing treatment.

If these benefits of Invisalign sound appealing to you, schedule an appointment with a qualified orthodontist who provides this type of treatment. It may be the winning route to your beautiful smile.

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Invisalign: A Hidden Way to Improve Your Smile

Invisalign: A Hidden Way to Improve Your Smile

Modern technology is constantly making strides in improving dentistry, and the area of teeth straightening is no exception. In order to get your dream smile, you don’t have to be stuck with a mouth full of unsightly and uncomfortable metal braces any longer. Transforming your smile is now possible with a hidden product called Invisalign.

Also referred to as invisible braces, Invisalign utilizes clear plastic aligner trays to move your teeth into better positions. The series of customized trays are fitted for your mouth to gently move your teeth over time. Because they are created specifically for you, they are more comfortable than you might think and achieve their goal with minimal soreness. This is a great benefit over the painful and irritating process of traditional braces.

Wearing the clear aligners gradually shifts your teeth, and every few weeks your dental professional provides a new set of aligners to continue moving your teeth toward the final goal. This process is repeated until your teeth have moved into their desired positions, giving you a straight and attractive new smile. The aligners should be worn about 22 hours a day for best results.

Patients of all ages may be candidates for Invisalign. This technology is appealing to adults because it avoids the embarrassment of noticeable braces during professional and social encounters, and with teens who want to avoid the ridicule of a metal smile during an often emotional time of life. There is even a special version of Invisalign made for teens, which has a blue-dot display to remind the young adults about consistent wear and when it’s time to switch trays.

One of the other major benefits of Invisalign is that the trays are removable, making eating and hygiene easy. There are no diet restrictions like with traditional braces, and the cleaning hassles of metal brackets and wires does not exist.

If you are wanting to improve your smile with orthodontics, consider the revolutionary solution of Invisalign. It can keep you smiling throughout the entire process.

We look forward to seeing you in our Ottawa dental office

The Invisalign Process

The Invisalign Process

A new way to straighten teeth has been introduced with Invisalign clear braces. As you wear the invisible plastic aligners, your teeth are gently shifted into better positions and you avoid many of the hassles associated with traditional braces.

Treatment begins with a consultation with a professional who has been trained and recognized to provide Invisalign braces. A thorough analysis of your teeth and jaw, as well as your smile goals, will be done to determine if Invisalign is right for you. If so, a treatment plan will be customized just for you after X-rays and impressions of your mouth are taken. The process also uses 3D images to create a computer simulation of your treatment.

Using the exact measurements taken of your mouth, a set of aligners will be made from clear plastic. Invisalign treatment advances in stages, with a different set of aligners worn every two weeks. They should be worn consistently for about twenty hours daily, but are removable for eating and cleaning. Maintenance is simple because the aligners can be gently brushed along with your normal brushing routine.

There are no restrictions about foods to avoid when undergoing Invisalign treatment, since the aligners are removed while eating. You also don’t have to worry about food getting stuck in the braces like with metal braces, and because food doesn’t contact the aligners there are no worries about stains. Invisalign braces can be worn while playing instruments or sports, although they should not be considered a substitute for a protective mouth guard.

Visits to the orthodontist are usually required every six months or so to monitor treatment and ensure ideal results. The amount of time it takes to achieve your smile goals depends on each patient and how consistently the aligners are worn, but treatment often lasts about a year.

Schedule your appointment at our Ottawa dental office

300 Slater St, Suite 107
Ottawa, ON  K1P 6A6

Phone: (613) 695-9551
Fax: (613) 695-9552


Office Hours Mon: 8-4, Tue: 8-4,  Thur: 8-4
Wed: 11-8,  Fri: 8-1

1 Nicholas St, Unit 100
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

Phone: (613) 241-1131
Fax: (613) 241-6513


Office Hours Mon-Thur:  8-4
Fri: 8-1

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