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Invisalign: Straightening Teeth Without Braces

Invisalign: Straightening Teeth Without Braces

Having straight teeth is a goal from young people through mature adults, and achieving a great smile without having to wear braces is a wonderful benefit. Awkward moments of a mouth full of metal, food particles stuck in your smile, and painful wires poking your cheeks are all erased. How do you make this happen? The answer is Invisalign.

Invisalign is an orthodontic solution that involves wearing a series of clear plastic aligners that fit right onto your teeth, and move them using slow pressure. They are nearly invisible and can be removed at any time, allowing you to follow your usual eating and hygiene routines.

The first step is taking impressions of your teeth and making a digital 3-D image so that an exact treatment plan can be created. You will be able to see how your teeth should look at each treatment stage. Your customized aligners will be made in a lab so that they fit comfortably yet do their job.

You will need to wear your aligners during the day and while you sleep, but remove them for eating and hygiene. You can even remove them for special occasions, as long as you strive to wear the aligners 22 hours each day. Roughly every two weeks, you will change to a new set of aligners that will advance you to the next stage of treatment. You will see your dentist about every six weeks for checkups.

Invisalign treatment lasts about a year for adults and about two years for teens. Your progress will be visible throughout treatment, motivating you to continue wearing them to transform your smile. Once your treatment is complete, you’ll have beautiful straight teeth and very few complaints about your orthodontic experience.

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Why Adults Should Choose Invisalign to Straighten Teeth

Why Adults Should Choose Invisalign to Straighten Teeth

Let’s face it. When you talk about straightening teeth, images of middle school kids with mouths full of metal and colored bands come into your mind. As an adult, those images might give you nightmares if you imagine it for yourself. But what if you have crooked teeth or problematic bite issues? What are your teeth-straightening choices that won’t embarrass you? Invisalign is the answer and is often the right choice for adults seeking to straighten their teeth.

Invisalign is a system by which a series of clear plastic trays, or aligners, are worn for a minimum of 22 hours each day, gradually straightening your teeth without metal brackets or wires. As each tray completes its alignment, another tray is applied to continue your smile transformation.

The clear plastic aligners allow for discrete use for adults, especially in professional or interpersonal situations. It enables the wearer to function professionally without losing any kind of credibility because of negative perceptions of metal braces. You’ll eat with confidence on dates or at business dinners because the aligners are removed for eating meals. After rinsing your mouth with water, simply pop the aligner back in and allow your smile to straighten.

You’ll also take out the aligners each time you brush your teeth. This enables you to thoroughly clean your mouth and teeth and makes flossing a snap. Flossing with traditional braces takes a long time and can be difficult, even for adults. Choosing Invisalign as an adult allows you to have a healthier mouth and therefore fresher breath.

These and other benefits are possible with Invisalign. Visit your orthodontist to begin learning about all the advantages that Invisalign can offer you as an adult looking to have straighter teeth.

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Invisalign versus Metal Braces

Invisalign versus Metal Braces

Straighter teeth are possible through traditional metal braces or Invisalign clear aligners, but how do you know which are right for you? These two types of orthodontics work differently to improve smiles. Invisalign uses invisible removable plastic aligners to gradually shift teeth, while metal braces require brackets bonded to the teeth and arch wires to apply pressure to move the teeth.

If you are deciding between these two types of treatment, ask yourself some questions to help you choose:

  • How severe is your case? Moderate conditions like overcrowding, gaps, and overbite or underbite issues can be treated with either option. However, more severe cases like malocclusions, jaw problems, crossbites, or seriously crooked teeth may require metal braces for more effective results.
  • Do you care if others see your braces? Metal braces are very noticeable and bulky, while Invisalign is virtually invisible in your smile. Adults and self-conscious teens may prefer the concept of hidden orthodontic treatment.
  • Will you be diligent in wearing aligners? They should be worn at least 22 hours each day for best results, so neglecting to wear them consistently can negatively impact your smile or require longer treatment time.
  • Are you concerned about keeping your teeth clean? Metal braces can be difficult to clean because food becomes caught in the wires and brushing may not easily reach all areas. Since Invisalign trays are removable, brushing and flossing are performed normally throughout the process.
  • Are you worried about teeth stains? Since it’s easier to keep teeth clean with Invisalign, you avoid the risks of stains from food and plaque buildup around metal braces that may stain your teeth.
  • How often do you want to visit the orthodontist? Metal braces require office visits at least every 4 weeks for tightenings. Invisalign trays are changed every 2 weeks, but many orthodontists provide a series of trays to take home so that an office visit isn’t required each time. It’s possible that you may not visit the orthodontist as often with Invisalign.

The ideal choice for your orthodontic treatment can be decided by consulting with your orthodontist. Find out which option will best transform your smile.

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Advantages of Invisalign

Advantages of Invisalign

Nearly two million people worldwide have discovered Invisalign, the latest technology for improving smiles. Treatment involves wearing a series of customized clear plastic aligners to gently shift teeth into better positions. This revolutionary method is appealing to patients because it eliminates some of the aspects that people dislike about traditional orthodontic solutions.

Perhaps the most obvious benefit to Invisalign is that the aligners are invisible. The clear plastic makes the trays almost undetectable in your smile. This gives patients the confidence to smile throughout treatment instead of being embarrassed by a mouth full of metal.

You can remove your Invisalign aligners at any time. Although for best success they should be worn at least 20 hours per day, they should be removed while eating or performing oral hygiene tasks. This means that there are no diet restrictions during treatment, and maintenance is simple because it involves normal brushing and flossing.

Invisalign aligners are comfortable since there are no wires or brackets that might poke or tear your skin. They also are safer than some other orthodontic options when playing sports or other activities. Invisalign aligners gently move teeth so there is typically less pressure or pain during treatment than with traditional braces.

The aligners are customized for every patient to treat your specific issues. Different sets of aligners are provided for adults, adolescents and children, plus different sets are worn during each stage of straightening. This personalized solution means that treatment is very precise, and it is even created and monitored using special computer software to increase the accuracy of treatment. Also, many patients find that the duration of treatment is less for Invisalign. The average treatment time is often about one year, as long as you wear the aligners as recommended.

With all of the advantages that Invisalign offers, it’s easy to understand why it has become such a popular choice in orthodontic treatment. If you’re interested in seeing if Invisalign is right for you, schedule a consultation with a dental professional who is trained and qualified in providing this type of treatment.

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Achieving Your Best Smile with Invisalign

Achieving Your Best Smile with Invisalign

Not every smile is perfect, so many people want to improve their look through orthodontics. It’s not just a rite of passage for youth anymore; people of all ages pursue new smiles these days. A modern technology that is stylish and hassle-free has been developed called Invisalign. It provides great results without impacting your life as much as traditional braces.

The first step is choosing a dental professional who offers Invisalign treatment, since not every provider is trained and qualified in this approach. Once you find the right professional, the dentist will assess your mouth and determine if you’re a good candidate. With the exception of severe misalignment, most people can benefit from Invisalign.

To get started, your dentist will take teeth impressions and X-rays to create a 3D image of your mouth. That helps determine your treatment plan, how long you can expect the process to last, and allow you to see your teeth at each stage. Being able to see the final outcome is a great advantage of Invisalign.

Clear plastic aligners will be customized for your teeth. They are hardly noticeable in your smile and won’t cause irritation or discomfort. You’ll be instructed to wear them for 22 hours a day for a couple of weeks as they gently move your teeth into better positions, after which you’ll switch to a new set of aligners in the series. The trays are removed for cleaning and eating, making them much simpler than traditional braces. Your normal oral hygiene routine isn’t impacted, as you can continue brushing and flossing as usual without the appliance in your mouth. Many patients also rave about the fact that their diets do not need to change; there are no restrictions with Invisalign.

A checkup with your dentist is needed every 4-6 weeks to monitor your progress. It usually takes from 12-18 months to complete Invisalign treatment. With proper wear, you’ll end up with a beautiful smile without having to suffer through the common complaints of orthodontics.

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Can Choosing Invisalign Really Keep My Mouth Healthier?

Can Choosing Invisalign Really Keep My Mouth Healthier?

Does your child need braces, but isn’t sure about being a “metal mouth” for two or more years? Did your teen come to you and beg for some other option to traditional braces? Perhaps you’ve heard about Invisalign aligners but are wondering if they’ll work for your child. Invisalign is absolutely appropriate for your teen if all of his or her baby teeth have fallen out and adult teeth have erupted.

Invisalign provides the same results as traditional metal braces, but without the metal brackets. Concerns over eating with braces are removed with the Invisalign trays, as they come out for meals, leaving your teen free to eat any food he or she desires.

Invisalign utilizes clear plastic trays that allow the process of straightening your teen’s teeth to be less obvious and less obtrusive. Beginning with x-rays and molds, your orthodontist will make a series of trays, called aligners. These trays are worn most of the day, taken out only to eat or to be cleaned. The process of straightening happens gradually and comfortably.

It is essential during this time that the trays are worn as recommended by the orthodontist. Wearing them less than the recommended amount of time will result in slower correction, and has the potential to lengthen treatment. Have your teen continue with any established good oral hygiene habits. Brushing and flossing must continue on a regular basis, brushing twice a day at minimum and flossing before bedtime.

Being a teenager is full of difficulties, and it is during this time that teens are at their most self-conscious. Adding metal braces to this transition can make everything worse for your child, leaving him or her self-conscious about eating with friends or smiling, talking or laughing in public. Your teen’s gapped, misaligned or crowded teeth can be improved significantly with Invisalign trays. Talk to your orthodontist today to see how Invisalign can make a difference for your child.

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Phone: (613) 695-9551
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Wed: 11-8,  Fri: 8-1

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