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Risks Associated with Sedation Dentistry

Risks Associated with Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is often hailed as a solution to all of a patient’s problems regarding dental therapies. It can address anxiety, fear, stress and pain. It can provide a comfortable experience for the dental patient, allowing the dental professional to work safely and quickly. As with any pharmacological agent, there are risks, and before you agree to any sedation dentistry option, it is smart to educate yourself about some of those risks.

While single doses of oral sedatives such as Valium or Halcion are unlikely to harm a patient, there are concerns regarding multiple doses of these drugs that could potentially cause a patient to be overly sedated, or even completely unconscious. Because each patient has a different metabolism, drugs can take between twenty minutes and an hour to become fully effective.

These time-delay issues are not problematic for inhaled sedation or for IV sedation, as these types of sedation dentistry are effective almost instantaneously. For oral sedation, however, a dentist who administers more than one pill could cause an overdose if the medicine kicks in at the same time. Most dentists lack both the equipment and the training to effectively and quickly address an overdose in a patient who is unconscious.

In 2000, a group known as the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation was launched. Its purpose is to train dentists on sedation dentistry methods such as how to properly monitor a patient during a dental procedure to ensure that their heart rates and oxygen levels are healthy. Despite this, there are still concerns about adverse effects of adults with oral conscious sedation. There have been no reported adult deaths from overdosing; however, some children have died from oral sedation, leading to the practice being recommended only for adults.

If you are about to undergo a prolonged dental procedure, or if you are considering sedation dentistry to address personal anxiety or a dental phobia, look for a dentist who has received training in sedation dentistry and has high levels of experience to ensure that your procedure is as safe and comfortable as possible.

If you live in the Ottawa area contact us today

Tips for Fighting Dental Fears

Tips for Fighting Dental Fears

If you experience fear about going to the dentist, you’re not alone. Studies show that about 50% of adults experience some level of fear about dental visits, with 5% of those suffering from severe anxiety. However, patient’s wishes for a nice smile and good oral health allow them to overcome their fears and visit their dentist in spite of their qualms.

These are some techniques that many patients use that enable them to get through their dental appointments successfully:

  • Using internal resources – telling yourself you can do it even though you are nervous
  • Prayer – relying on a higher power to help you through the treatment
  • Self distraction – singing to yourself or playing mental games to keep your mind off of what’s happening
  • Distancing – convincing yourself that any pain feels like something else, such as numbness
  • Optimism – focusing on what’s ahead after your appointment is over

In fact, optimism seems to be one of the biggest keys to overcoming your dental fears. Patients who use this method have been shown to visit the dentist more regularly than other patients who suffer from anxiety about dental treatment. Studies also reveal that humor is another important part of dealing with dental visits. Humor can break down psychological barriers, and allow the patient to feel more comfortable in their interactions with the dentist and staff. An atmosphere of humor tends to reduce stress and increase a sense of well-being and satisfaction in a potentially nervous situation.

However, if none of these techniques work for you, sedation dentistry is a option to consider. At  PermaSmile! we offer a variety of sedation options.

Whatever methods you implement to help you through your dental visit, the most important thing is sticking with it and returning again for your next visit. Your dental health is dependant upon regular dentist’s care.

Dentist in Ottawa for patients with dental phobias.

Patient Types Who Benefit From Sedation Dentistry

Patient Types Who Benefit From Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is designed mainly to focus on patients experiencing fear and anxiety related to dental treatment; however, it is also an excellent choice for other patient types. Following are the main groups who experience relief and comfort from sedation dentistry:

  • Patients experiencing anxiety and fear or a dental phobia
  • Patients possessing an acute gag reflex
  • Patients who have special needs
  • Patients with physical issues that affect movement
  • Anxious or fearful pediatric patients

Dental professionals want a patient to be as stress-free as possible immediately prior to and during a dental visit. Relieving anxiety and fear can turn an unpleasant, stressful experience into a comfortable visit, resulting in a desire to continue dental health and hygiene by returning for regular examinations and procedures.

An acute gag reflex can leave a patient concerned about vomiting during a dental procedure; in fact, many procedures such as taking impressions or working on the back teeth may be impossible. Sedation dentistry helps patients greatly reduce this gag reflex issue, as it is often exacerbated by anxiety and fear.

Patients who have special needs related to autism, Down Syndrome, or a mental or emotional problem may have real difficulty during dental visits. Other patients may deal with physical conditions such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, or other disorders of the central nervous system. Patients in this group may have difficulty following instructions or remaining still. Sedation dentistry solves issues of involuntary muscle movements, allowing the dentist to safely and quickly complete treatment.

Fearful children can be problematic for dentists. Children who cannot be still, comply with instructions, or stop crying can cause time-consuming safety issues. Sedation dentistry allows a dentist to perform treatments without physical restraints that could cause emotional trauma to the child, leading to adult dental phobias and fears.

Visiting the dentist and caring for your dental health should be comfortable. Contact our dental office to see what can be done to make your visit as stress-free as possible using sedation dentistry in Ottawa.

All About Nitrous Oxide

All About Nitrous Oxide

One of the most commonly used sedatives in dentistry is nitrous oxide, often referred to as laughing gas. It provides an effective technique in sedation dentistry, allowing patients to feel carefree and happy and pain-free. If used correctly by qualified dentists, nitrous oxide is a safe and valuable sedative.

Nitrous oxide is typically used when patients experience mild to moderate anxiety or fear when seeing the dentist for treatment. The gentle sedative properties of this gas helps patients who are not in extreme panic, but simply need calming.

One appealing thing about nitrous oxide is that it is administered by inhaling it through a mask placed over the nose. There are no needles required, which is a great benefit to many nervous patients. Another plus is that patients remain awake and aware of the environment during treatment, but are no longer anxious or upset about what is happening.

Some additional benefits of nitrous oxide include:

  • The sedation level may be adjusted at any time during treatment.
  • Since the healthcare professionals have control over the nitrous oxide at all times, it is a very safe choices and nearly impossible to overdose.
  • It works quickly, with the calming effects taking place in under three minutes of being administered.
  • Lengthy or complicated dental procedures can be performed while the patient is content and often unaware of the time spend in the dental chair. This also increases the dentist’s ability to perform multiple procedures in one visit.
  • Nitrous oxide is safe for patients with medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and epilepsy.

Sedation dentist in Ottawa

What to Ask Your Ottawa Dentist Prior to Sedation Dentistry

What to Ask Your Ottawa Dentist Prior to Sedation Dentistry

If you are about to undergo a dental therapy that necessitates the use of sedation dentistry, especially IV sedation, there are definitely some important questions you should ask your dentist prior to the procedure. Remembering to ask these questions can be difficult, especially if you are feeling anxious or ill at ease with regard to the treatment.

Use this guide to give you some of the most important questions you might not have thought of or remembered to ask:

  • What type of sedation will I be receiving?
  • What risk factors – even rare ones – are associated with this type of sedation?
  • How long will the treatment take, and during how much of that time will I be sedated?
  • How will the sedation be administered?
  • Who will give me the sedation and monitor it during my treatment?
  • What safety measures do you have in place in case of any medical emergency?
  • What would happen in the case of a cardiac emergency or a seizure?
  • Who is trained in CPR and other life-saving skills?
  • What kind of preparations do I need to make prior to my treatment?
  • Should someone accompany me to be present during the treatment?
  • How soon following treatment will I feel awake and alert?
  • May I drive myself home afterward?
  • What kind of pain can I expect after my treatment?
  • How will I manage my discomfort?
  • What kind of aftercare does my particular treatment require?
  • What signs should I look for that would lead me to contact you for a follow-up?

Talk to Ottawa sedation dentist Dr. Dzajkovski to get the answers to questions like these and any others you may have prior to receiving sedation dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry FAQ

Sedation Dentistry FAQ

What defines sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is any type of dentistry treatment performed in conjunction with the patient being given some kind of anesthetic. Sedation dentistry can give the dental professional the freedom to perform all types of therapies while the patient is completely comfortable and pain-free.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

While utilizing sedation dentistry, you will be monitored by your dentist at all times. Age, medical conditions and existing medications can all be factors to consider when choosing a type of sedation.

Is conscious sedation the same thing as sedation dentistry?

Conscious sedation is the term for a type of treatment a patient receives that allows the patient freedom from fear, anxiety and pain while still remaining aware enough to follow simple instructions given by the dentist’s team. Conscious sedation can be administered on several levels, customized to each particular patient’s anxiety level.

How is conscious sedation administered?

Conscious sedation can be administered orally, inhaled or by IV. Oral sedation is delivered via a pill. Most patients take the pill one hour prior to the treatment. Some choose to take a pill the night before to be certain to get a good night’s sleep. Inhaled sedation is commonly known as laughing gas, and can allow you to feel as though you are drifting away during a treatment. Deeper, faster-acting sedation can be achieved through intravenous sedation.

Should I choose sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a choice open to anyone who is in good physical shape who has fear, anxiety or stress about an upcoming dental treatment. If you find yourself dreading a visit to the dentist to get necessary work completed, be honest with your dentist about your fears and ask about all of the ways sedation dentistry can help you get the work you need, in comfort and ease.

If you need a dentist in Ottawa contact us today

300 Slater St, Suite 107
Ottawa, ON  K1P 6A6

Phone: (613) 695-9551
Fax: (613) 695-9552


Office Hours Mon: 8-4, Tue: 8-4,  Thur: 8-4
Wed: 11-8,  Fri: 8-1

1 Nicholas St, Unit 100
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

Phone: (613) 241-1131
Fax: (613) 241-6513


Office Hours Mon-Thur:  8-4
Fri: 8-1

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