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What to Ask Your Ottawa Dentist Prior to Sedation Dentistry

What to Ask Your Ottawa Dentist Prior to Sedation Dentistry

If you are about to undergo a dental therapy that necessitates the use of sedation dentistry, especially IV sedation, there are definitely some important questions you should ask your dentist prior to the procedure. Remembering to ask these questions can be difficult, especially if you are feeling anxious or ill at ease with regard to the treatment.

Use this guide to give you some of the most important questions you might not have thought of or remembered to ask:

  • What type of sedation will I be receiving?
  • What risk factors – even rare ones – are associated with this type of sedation?
  • How long will the treatment take, and during how much of that time will I be sedated?
  • How will the sedation be administered?
  • Who will give me the sedation and monitor it during my treatment?
  • What safety measures do you have in place in case of any medical emergency?
  • What would happen in the case of a cardiac emergency or a seizure?
  • Who is trained in CPR and other life-saving skills?
  • What kind of preparations do I need to make prior to my treatment?
  • Should someone accompany me to be present during the treatment?
  • How soon following treatment will I feel awake and alert?
  • May I drive myself home afterward?
  • What kind of pain can I expect after my treatment?
  • How will I manage my discomfort?
  • What kind of aftercare does my particular treatment require?
  • What signs should I look for that would lead me to contact you for a follow-up?

Talk to Ottawa sedation dentist Dr. Dzajkovski to get the answers to questions like these and any others you may have prior to receiving sedation dentistry.

Oral Conscious Sedation: Frequently Asked Questions

Oral Conscious Sedation: Frequently Asked Questions

Fear and anxiety make dental treatment a challenge for many people. Sedation dentistry offers many options to help patients overcome their fears and experience a more comfortable, relaxing treatment. One of the most common options in sedation dentistry is oral conscious sedation. Here are some common questions about oral conscious sedation and answers about how it can help alleviate your stress about undergoing dental procedures:

  • What is oral conscious sedation? This type of sedation utilizes a combination of pain relievers and sedatives to induce an altered state of consciousness that allows you to undergo all kinds of dental treatment in a totally relaxed and comfortable state.
  • Am I asleep during the procedure? Patients who receive oral conscious sedation are drowsy but awake and able to communicate with their dental professional. This type of dental sedation allows you to be relaxed but aware.
  • Will I feel pain during the dental treatment? With oral conscious sedation, you will most likely not feel any discomfort or pain.
  • Is oral conscious sedation safe? While it is considered safe for most patients, your dentist will evaluate your medical and dental health to determine if you are a good candidate for oral sedation.
  • Can I resume normal activity immediately after receiving oral sedation? Because you may still be slightly drowsy and under the effects of the medication, it is advised that you arrange to have a friend or family member drive you home after treatment.
  • Will I have bad memories of my dental treatment? With oral conscious sedation, you will feel completely relaxed and have little to no memory of your dental procedures.

Thanks to sedation dentistry options like oral conscious sedation, you no longer have to dread or postpone necessary dental treatment due to fear and anxiety. Contact your dentist to find out how they can help you conquer your fears and restore your oral health with this gentle approach to dentistry.

Our dental office is located in Ottawa

How Sedation Dentistry can Change the Way You Experience the Dentist

How Sedation Dentistry can Change the Way You Experience the Dentist

One extremely common fear shared by many people is a fear of the dentist. Patients who possess this fear are often anxious and nervous about the sights, sounds and smells of a dentist’s office. Just imagining a routine visit can leave someone shaken and fearful, unable to sleep the nights prior to treatment.

Patients who share this common fear can put off necessary dental work. A fear of pain or needles can lead a patient to tolerate tooth pain or signs of infection in the mouth. If this sounds like you, talk to your dentist about sedation dentistry options.

Many people assume you must be fearful at a phobic level to benefit from sedation dentistry. This isn’t true! Sleeplessness, anxiety and low-level fear can all be helped with some form of sedation dentistry. Oral sedatives can be prescribed to be taken the night prior to a dentist visit, as well as the day of, to ensure a restful night’s sleep and an easy day before treatment.

Sedation dentistry during procedures is very safe, as you are monitored at all times by the dentist. Because of the deep level of relaxation possible utilizing sedation dentistry, more work can be done in a single visit, cutting down on trips to the dental office.

General dentistry procedures such as checkups, regular cleanings and cosmetic treatments can all be performed on a patient being treated with sedation dentistry. For a patient with fear and anxiety, each therapy can be made better with the addition of sedation dentistry.

Over time, with the use of sedation dentistry, some of your fears and anxieties can begin to lessen. Positive experiences can build up mental and emotional trust in the dentist, and patients can find that they need less and less of the sedation to feel comfortable.

Our dental office is located in Ottawa

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Any type of phobia can be a difficult and often frightening condition, but fear of the dentist can be one of the worst because it can ultimately even be deadly. Proper dental care is vital to a healthy mouth and body. People who neglect going to the dentist for treatment are putting their health at risk, but sedation dentistry offers them a way to get the care they need to maintain better health.

Dental sedation involves administering certain types of drugs, from mild to stronger medications, to help a patient relax. The effects of the drugs decrease anxiety and awareness of the specifics related to treatment, so that procedures can be performed without upsetting the patient. Pain is also diminished so that the patient is comfortable during the dental visit.

Sedation methods vary according to the patient and the treatment. The medication may be given as pills that are swallowed orally, nitrous oxide gas that is inhaled through a mask, or medication given intravenously directly into the vein. Often, local anesthetics might still be required but the patient is already under the effects of sedation and does not feel the injection.

There are a number of benefits provided be sedation dentistry. Patients who otherwise might avoid checkups are able to get preventative care and procedures done without anxiety. They usually don’t remember what happened during treatment, so they come away without negative memories. Patients are also able to sit still during treatment, and for longer periods of time so that multiple procedures may be performed if needed. Lengthy or complex procedures are made possible by using sedation that allows patients to cooperate and not realize how long they are in the dental chair.

Sedation dentistry is a way for patients to obtain necessary dental care without the anxiety or fear that sometimes accompanies it. This can make all the difference in improving some people’s oral and general health.

If you need a dentist in Ottawa contact us today

When to Consider Sedation Dentistry

When to Consider Sedation Dentistry

If you avoid getting dental care because of the anxiety and fear of going to the dentist, you are not alone. It is estimated that forty million Americans don’t seek regular dental care because they are uncomfortable or afraid of going. Sedation dentistry has been developed to manage the pain and anxiety of dental visits, while still providing patients with the ability to respond to verbal commands and physical stimulation.

Here are some guidelines to help you determine if sedation dentistry might help you:
• You are fearful about dental instruments and procedures.
• Local anesthetics have not had a numbing effect on you in the past.
• Your gag reflex is overly sensitive.
• You have a fear of shots or needles.
• The noises, tastes, and odors associated with dentistry bother you a great deal.
• You have extremely sensitive teeth.
• Your dental problems are complicated, or you need to have several procedures in a single visit.
• You have experienced traumatic dental experiences in the past.
• Health issues such as neck or back pain or TMJ make it uncomfortable for you to sit in the dentist’s chair or open your mouth for extended periods.

Putting off dental care is not recommended because it can result in more serious problems or invasive procedures later. If some of the characteristics above describe you, consult your dentist about ways to help you relax and become more comfortable with checkups. Sedation dentistry techniques like IV, oral, or inhaled sedation may be just what you need to allow you to confidently seek dental care on a regular basis.

Our dental office is located in Ottawa

Getting Treatment with Sedation Dentistry

Getting Treatment with Sedation Dentistry

Fear can stop come people from doing certain activities, and sometimes it may impact a person’s health and overall wellbeing. One example is visiting the dentist. You might be surprised at the number of people who completely avoid dental care because they are afraid. As a result, sedation dentistry has become a popular way to allow nervous patients to get the necessary treatment without all of the negative vibes.

Sedation dentistry involves administering drugs to help patients relax. There are various levels of sedation available, depending on the patient’s needs, procedures, age, and medical history. Your dentist can help decide which sedation amount and method is most appropriate for you. It ranges from light sedation to simply take the edge off, moderate sedation that renders you unaware but still awake, or deep sedation that practically puts you to sleep throughout treatment.

There are also a variety of methods for sedation dentistry. Oral medications are swallowed, nitrous oxide gas is administered through a mask over your nose, or medications can be given through an intravenous needle directly into your veins. The method is recommended based on each patient’s needs and situation.

Dental sedation manages pain so that you won’t feel anything during treatment. Most patients do not remember much about what occurred while under sedation. That is especially beneficial for patients with dental fears, because they are more willing to return for future appointments since they don’t have any bad memories from the last one.

Sedation is safe and effective when performed by a trained dentist. Make sure that any dentist who administers your dental sedation is qualified and experienced with the techniques. There is no reason to avoid dental checkups and treatment due to fear or anxiety. It is much better to get care to correct problems before they worsen, or head them off before they start. Sedation dentistry enables patients to comfortably and safely obtain treatment and eliminate dental fears.

Schedule your appointment at our Ottawa dental office

300 Slater St, Suite 107
Ottawa, ON  K1P 6A6

Phone: (613) 695-9551
Fax: (613) 695-9552


Office Hours Mon: 8-4, Tue: 8-4,  Thur: 8-4
Wed: 11-8,  Fri: 8-1

1 Nicholas St, Unit 100
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

Phone: (613) 241-1131
Fax: (613) 241-6513


Office Hours Mon-Thur:  8-4
Fri: 8-1

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