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Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Any type of phobia can be a difficult and often frightening condition, but fear of the dentist can be one of the worst because it can ultimately even be deadly. Proper dental care is vital to a healthy mouth and body. People who neglect going to the dentist for treatment are putting their health at risk, but sedation dentistry offers them a way to get the care they need to maintain better health.

Dental sedation involves administering certain types of drugs, from mild to stronger medications, to help a patient relax. The effects of the drugs decrease anxiety and awareness of the specifics related to treatment, so that procedures can be performed without upsetting the patient. Pain is also diminished so that the patient is comfortable during the dental visit.

Sedation methods vary according to the patient and the treatment. The medication may be given as pills that are swallowed orally, nitrous oxide gas that is inhaled through a mask, or medication given intravenously directly into the vein. Often, local anesthetics might still be required but the patient is already under the effects of sedation and does not feel the injection.

There are a number of benefits provided be sedation dentistry. Patients who otherwise might avoid checkups are able to get preventative care and procedures done without anxiety. They usually don’t remember what happened during treatment, so they come away without negative memories. Patients are also able to sit still during treatment, and for longer periods of time so that multiple procedures may be performed if needed. Lengthy or complex procedures are made possible by using sedation that allows patients to cooperate and not realize how long they are in the dental chair.

Sedation dentistry is a way for patients to obtain necessary dental care without the anxiety or fear that sometimes accompanies it. This can make all the difference in improving some people’s oral and general health.

If you need a dentist in Ottawa contact us today


300 Slater St. Suite 107
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6A6
Phone: (613) 695-9551


1 Nicholas St, Unit 100
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7
Phone: (613) 241-1131

300 Slater St, Suite 107
Ottawa, ON  K1P 6A6

Phone: (613) 695-9551
Fax: (613) 695-9552


Office Hours Mon: 8-4, Tue: 8-4,  Thur: 8-4
Wed: 11-8,  Fri: 8-1

1 Nicholas St, Unit 100
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

Phone: (613) 241-1131
Fax: (613) 241-6513


Office Hours Mon-Thur:  8-4
Fri: 8-1

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